Home / Case Study HR150: Managing the Office of Human Resources

Case Study HR150: Managing the Office of Human Resources



New England Hospital

Project Name:

Managing the Office of Human Resources


Federal Government

Project Description:

North American Management was retained to manger the office of Human Resources during the acquisition of other health care facilities. Accomplishments included …provided desk audit and job task analysis for technical and medical positions, management, information technology, facilities and administrative staff …conducted literature reviews identify industry standards for the various job classifications …survey data was complied, analyzed and compared with industry standard …developed job descriptions to include updated duties, and more stringent educational and experience requirements, …performance standard and measures were developed. A peer review system for performing evaluations of medical and social services professionals was implemented. (The peer review system was later expanded for use in evaluations of conductor and grant proposals and performance.) Training requirements were developed to bring employees into compliance with new job requirements.  Significant effort has dedicated to revising personnel procedures for financial  and clinical Staff to ensure compliance staff in patient treatment, record keeping to ensure reimbursement through Medicare/Medicaid and managed plan. Recruitment was performed where necessary to fill a skills void. Developed new procedures including a new patient intake process. Developed change management activities (process reengineering and team building) to help the organizations merge successfully. Created Communication plan to help management and staff understand, deal with, and participate in the change.

Managed the outsourced Office of Human Resources for New England Hospital, including all day-to-day Human Resources functions, including:

  • Developed and implementing personnel policies and procedures
  • Developed comprehensive performance evaluation system
  • Conducted executive searches and professional recruitment
  • Conducted staff development
  • Implemented automated personnel systems
  • Conducting job/task analysis
  • Developed an employee position classification, wage, salary and benefit administration system
  • Managed workers compensation claims

For more information:

Division Director, Health & Family Services or Human Capital Strategies ​
